How to Leave a Review for a Seller

Buyers and sellers have the ability to rate the experience of their interaction with one another.

Once a buyer places an order and the seller marks it as complete, both parties are able to rate the order from 1 to 5 stars.

    To leave a review for a seller that you have purchased from you'll need to get access to the order form.

    1. Login into your buyer account here:

    2. Click on your orders tab on the left hand window

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    3. Select the order you want to review.

    *keep in mind you can only rate an order that has been marked as complete*

    4. At the top left corner, please select the amount of stars and add feedback if necessary

    • ★ : Terrible
    • ★★: Bad
    • ★★★: Just okay
    • ★★★★: Could be better
    • ★★★★★: Amazing